Gotham/Babyak Quartet

Acoustic, Jazz, Country, Blues

The Gotham/Babyak Quartet features two six-string buddies for an evening of great guitar music. Electric, acoustic, steel, dobro, maybe even some mandolin and Hindustani slide? Combine jazz, country, blues, rock and roll, and who knows what else, and it all comes together for a show of pure musical fun. Runner-up in the national fingerpicking championship as a youth, and member of the legendary Racquette River Rounder, Danny Gotham remains one of the finest guitarists out there. Mike Babyak has been a slide and steel “specialist” for over 35 years. His Triple Fret band been a fixture in the Triangle music scene for nearly two decades. Danny and Mike formed “Gotham/Babyak” two years ago as a way to perform some of their favorite guitar music. They will be joined by bassist Leslie Land (Beauty Operators, Southern Culture on the Skids) on bass and ace Raleigh session drummer Mike Rosado.


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