Jack the Radio

Rock, Alternative, Southern Rock, Indie

Formed in 2005 as a collaborative project between roommates, Jack the Radio is the brainchild of seasoned songwriters George Hage and A.C. Hill.

In 2009, taking aim at a groove-heavy, southern-tinged gap in the Raleigh music scene, Hage strapped on his electric guitar, Hill, his weathered acoustic, and they set out to broaden their sound. Adding drummer Brent Francese and multi-instrumentalist Danny Johnson, Jack the Radio released their full-length debut, “Pretty Money” in early 2011.

With tapes full of songs born in practice rooms and bucket seats, the band hit the studio in 2012, anxious to reunite with engineer Al Jacobs and press “record.” The results of those sessions became the band’s sophomore full length titled “Lowcountry.”



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  • Jack the Radio