Upcoming Live Music Events

- Apex - CaryChapel HillClaytonDurhamFuquay VarinaGarnerHolly Springs - Raleigh -

Welcome to Triangle Live Music, your #1 source for “No Cover Charge” live music listings in central North Carolina, covering the Raleigh, Durham, Cary and Chapel Hill Live Music scenes and surrounding metropolitan areas. We have 373+ venues and 3145+ bands listed on TLM!

NOTE to all Bar Owners and friends of TLM: We take no responsibility for errors, changes, cancellation of events posted on TLM. This is a best effort on our part to provide an overview of the musical events in the Triangle area. Friendly “please change or update” this event emails are gladly accepted. Several venues and bands have been removed from TLM after receipt of an email from a bar President that was upset that his “cancelled” recurring event was still being listed.

Check out this great article about us in the Cary Citizen!

For just $1 per day you can advertise with us.  Contact TLM at: send email (info@trianglelivemusic.com)

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